ArtXhibition is an online RIA (Rich Internet Application) platform that introduces Anime and Art to the communities! Through this website, Anime lovers can gather to check out the latest Anime recommendations, find out details on Anime characters, try guessing the Anime characters, and check out the fanart posts related to Anime!
We also would like to help newbies to discover where to find anime events, cosplay stores and other cool stuffs! Feel free to check out the recommended sites!
Anime (アニメ) is a style of animation that originated in Japan and has become popular worldwide. It's usually based on Manga (Japanese Comics), and contains a wide range of genres and themes, often characterized by colorful artwork, vibrant characters, and fantastical themes. Anime can be produced for television series, films, video games, and web series, and it includes both hand-drawn and computer-generated animation. There are various Anime genres, but the common terms and target audience are:
(Taken From Jujutsu Kaisen's Cursed Slash Game)
ACG stands for "Anime, Comics, and Games," a popular East Asian subculture including Japanese animation,
manga, and video games. It includes fan activities like cosplay, fan art, and online communities, significantly
impacting pop culture and generating a multi-billion-dollar industry.
There are various ACG events held by both big companies and fan themselves. Even in Malaysia, there are different ACG
events held anually by different organizers. ACG event is the place where fans or Otaku could gather around to share their
same interests.
There are a lot of enjoyable activities could be done during ACG. Some would cosplay their favourite characters from an anime or video game.
Some would find their favourite cosplayers or characters to take picture with. Some would come to enjoy the vibe. Some would come to buy the merchandises.
Some would come to hangout with their friends. At the end of the day, it is about enjoying the same interests within the community.
Debut in 2009, AniManGaki is one of Malaysia's largest annual animation, comics, and games (ACG) conventions. Officially standing on its own branding starting 2012.
Founded in 2002, Comic Fiesta is one of the largest and longest running convention event in Southeast-Asia that focuses on animation, comics and games (ACG).
Nijigen Expo is an exhibition which provides all-in-one A.C.G (Anime, Comic and Games) experience to all the fans of anime culture nationwide and even worldwide.